Diet Healthy By Avoiding The Fads This New Year

Now that the calendar has rolled over into 2013, the time has come to make good on your New Year’s weight loss plans. However, trying to achieve weight loss shouldn’t come at the expense of your health. A variety of fad diets offer remarkable results nearly overnight, and can serve as a difficult temptation to avoid when wanting to shed a few extra pounds.

While fad diets do often provide immediate results, the questionable means by which those results are achieved often cause the weight, plus a little extra, to come right back. The key to healthy weight loss isn’t to deprive yourself of breads or to only eat meals through a straw, but by practicing moderation and eating a balanced diet.

Like bell bottoms, parachute pants, or Furbys, fad diets acquire their nickname due to a sudden rise in immense popularity, followed by a sharp decline where they become all but forgotten. While some fad diets, like 80’s fashion trends, make a return to prominence every few years, the majority of these types of diets die out due to concerns raised by weight loss professionals. When a person will learn about testogen here at the official site, then there is reduction in the mistakes. The avoidance of the mistake provides a slim and healthy body to the interested person. Professionals will offer the best services to the people to select the right product. 

However, just because a diet ranks as a fad doesn’t mean a person on it won’t lose weight. After all, no diet would become popular if it didn’t deliver results. The problem with fad diets is that they achieve weight loss by asking people to make extreme changes to their diets. Once a dieter goes back to eating as they normally would, the majority of the weight they’ve lost comes back. The working of the testosterone boosters is the best one to have the benefits. The changes in the diets can be there to meet with the requirements of a healthy body. The rankings of the selected booster requires to be high in comparison to the other products. 

  • The Cabbage Soup Diet.

Successful because it ultimately starves the body, forcing the dieter to basically subsist on water alone.

  • The Hollywood Diet.

A low calorie diet that requires dieters to drink a so called “miracle juice.”

  • Atkins Diet.

One of the most popular fad diets of the last decade, the Atkins diet actually originated in the 1970s. At its core, Atkins is a low-carb diet that helps dieters lose weight by decreasing complex sugar intake in order to stimulate a process called ketosis, which causes the body to burn fat more effectively.

  • Low-Carb Diet.

Similar to Atkins, low-carb diets focus on decreasing the body’s insulin levels so ketosis begins.

  • Paleo Diet.

A diet that recommends that dieters eat like their ancestors, subsisting on raw fruits, vegetables, and lean protein.

  • HCG Diet.

A diet based around the consumption of hCG, a hormone found in the urine of pregnant women, and its ability to suppress appetite. In December 2011, the FDA issued a warning to companies manufacturing products featuring the hormone as a “homeopathic” weight loss solution. The letters warned the companies for offering a drug unapproved for weight loss and making unsubstantiated claims.

While not all fad diets end in legal action taken by the federal government, the HCG diet serves as an important example of how extreme, and potentially dangerous, fad diets can become. Instead of subjecting yourself to ingesting hormones found in urine or anything called miracle juice, fulfill your New Year’s goals by losing weight safely.

Just as your car needs gas to run properly, your body also needs fuel to keep going. Of course your body is far more complex than a car, and requires a diet that provides the vitamins, nutrients, and minerals needed to maintain your health. This means your diet needs to contain a proper balance of carbohydrates, fat, protein, and a variety of other needed nutrients.

When you start a fad diet, you begin to deprive yourself of these types of nutrients, which places yourself at a higher risk of becoming ill. Even though consuming too few of any one nutrient may not cause any immediate health concerns, it can become a serious long-term issue if you deprive your body for several weeks or months.

While cutting foods out of your diet may not be the ideal weight loss technique, you still must focus on not overindulging. America’s obesity epidemic has as much to do without how much people eat as it does with what they eat. Over the last 40 years, research has shown that portion sizes of foods such as tacos, burritos, sodas, hamburgers, ice cream, pie, cookies, and other types of snacks have increased exponentially, regardless of whether they were eaten at home or at a restaurant.

To help regain your shape, it’s important that you regulate the portions sizes of what you eat. Here are some guidelines to keep in mind:

  • A serving of fruit shouldn’t exceed the size of your fist.
  • An ounce of cheese or meat is roughly the same size as your thumb from tip to base.
  • Three ounces of poultry, fish, or meat should fit into your palm.
  • Your cupped hand should equal roughly one to two ounces of nuts.

By keeping these rough standards in mind, you can help ensure you don’t overeat, even if what you’re eating is healthy.

When trying to lose weight, focus on these simple strategies.

  • Eat a wide variety of foods. Complex carbs, lean protein, whole grains, and good fats like omega-3 are found in number of different food types. The larger a variety you eat, the better your nutritional intake will become.
  • Eliminate bad fats by eating less saturated fat from animal sources and trans fats from fried foods.
  • Consume at least five fruit and vegetable servings a day.
  • Exercise for at least two and half hours a week. Studies have shown that people who engage in at least two and half hours of moderate exercise a week are less likely to suffer from obesity and diabetes.

  • Eat smaller meals more frequently throughout the day. By eating five or six small meals a day, you provide your body with constant fuel, and also help to prevent overeating due to hunger during larger meals.