How Foundation Is Helping In Providing Food To The Needy People?

Tej kohli foundation is a nonprofit organization that is working for years for the betterment of the society without the aim of making huge profits. There is a various sector in which t is working and also it has gained tremendous popularity in the past few years. With the passage of time, they have developed many new inventions in the world that in one or another way provide nutrition to people all over the world.

Funda Kohli

This is the step taken by the organization for providing food and beverages to the people who are in need. This was the project that was launched by tej who joined hands with wandy in 2005, under this project they have opened permanent canteens for the people in which free means full of nutrition will be provided to the people.

These meals are available even for the children who are studying in the school during the lunch hours and even if their weekend or school holidays then also they are provided with the meals on regular basis. Tej Kohli Who is the founder of the tej kohli foundation feds thousands of children since the day this organization was invented.

As we all know if the children will be malnourished then they will not able to study adequately that will lead to problems in the future that will directly or indirectly affect the development of the nation so this initiative of the organization has proven to be the best for the development of the nation as it is providing nutrition to the people that will give best future outcomes.

Holiday hunger is a youth-based UK food initiative that has been started by Tej Kohli that also works regarding the food requirement of the people. Their main aim is to repackage the foods and provide to the local people who are facing the problem of food these days.

Among the poor people, most of the people are facing the problem of the food during the holidays as they usually get the food in the school when they used to visit the school this leads to anxiety among the people. When in the holidays they face the lack of food then they face the problem of hunger and malnutrition.

Community help

The main aim of the tej kohli foundation was to provide nutrition to people all over the world. in may 2020 this organization made a commitment with a local branch in the UK to provide an adequate amount of funds so that they can double what the local branch was spending per head during the crisis of the covid 19. As in this crisis, children were not going to school so the meals were distributed to them at their home places for the families and the children.

This is an initiative that helped poor people to a great extent so that they can get a better life in the future.

Crisis response

As we all know there are many unseen events that occur around the world that were not expected. Normally Tej Kohli who is the owner of the tej kohli foundation provides crisis responses to the people who are going through the problem of unforeseen events. Even there are many other organizations that are helping this organization in fulfilling the needs of such people who have faced such problems.

As in the year 2020, the world has faced a lot of problems due to the covid 19, as we all know this disease spreads if we come in contact so this organization has helped the nation in many ways in fighting with this crisis.

They used to do the packing of the food items as it was the time of covid 19. Even they used to take the complete precautions that were recommended by the government for fighting with the covid 19. They complete pack on their body and also completely sanitize their body and keep a certain distance from the other people so that chances of covid 19 gets reduced.

When they visit the place they notice that the people are facing the problem of starvation so they deliver some of the food items to them so that they can live a healthy life.


Tej Kohli is known in the complete world regarding the initiative that he has taken for the betterment of society. Though in this article we have discussed only on the initiative he has taken regarding the food, but his steps are not only limited to this he also works in many other sectors like he is working for the people e who are facing with the problem of blindness.

He has a fund for many other people who have been working for protecting people from blindness. Not only are these there many other options also.