How to Add New Categories and Manage Them in PHP Nuke

In this tutorial, I will show new users how to create categories in PHP Nuke. I will also show you how to manage the categories after you have created them. These are the categories that your pages will be placed in. To get started with the PHP Nuke tutorial on creating categories, you will need to login to the admin area.

Before we begin, it is important to mention that this tutorial is quite difficult where you need to undergo extensive training to understand PHP Nuke in its entirety which manages numerous software data alongwith a catchy preventivo sito web to attract others to the website.

Creating New Categories in PHP Nuke

Let’s begin with creating your new categories in PHP Nuke. After you have logged into your admin area, you will need to go to the administration panel. In this panel, you will need to look for the Modules box and click it. When the page reloads, you will need to scroll down a bit until you see the Modules Administration area. In this area, you will need to click the Content box. The page will reload again and you will need to scroll down a little ways until you see the, “Add a Category” boxes.

Now that you have finally arrived on the category page, you can begin creating your categories. You will need to enter a name for your category and a description for the category. Once you have entered those two things, you can click the Add button right below the description box. Your new category will then be added to your PHP Nuke site. If you want to add more categories, repeat the steps above and add as many as you want.

Managing Your Categories in PHP Nuke

Now that you know how to create categories, I will help you with managing categories. When it comes to managing the categories, you can edit them or delete them. I will show you how to do both. You will need to make your way back to the category page. Below the Add a Category box, you will see the Edit Category field. This is where you will manage your categories in PHP Nuke.

To edit a category, you will need to drop the box down and select the category you want to edit. Then click the Edit button right beside the drop down box. On the next page, you can edit what you want and click the Save button to save your changes.

To delete a category, you will need to select the category in the Edit drop down box. Click the Edit button and you will see the same page that loaded when you were editing your category. Instead of editing the category, you will need to click the Delete link right next to the Save button. That will remove the category from your PHP Nuke site.