How to Hire a Free Consultant for Your Medical Practice

All medical procedures can be from an external perspective on their activities. The first thing you have to do with itself is honest. Change is not easy, and we must be ready and willing to positive and negative criticism. A good consultant will tell you the truth, not to exaggerate and give you options. You are on your side and you are looking for you and help you to prevent accidents, reduce costs and informs you about new technologies that will significantly improve efficiency and increase your profits. I think practice as accountants or lawyers of the firm, but a focus on technology. The focus is always on how to use the technology to help them practice more effectively, offer better services at lower costs.

One question I always ask is, I’m not sure I can afford it, and how much it cost overall? The real question is whether you can afford it, continue to do business, as you are. Inefficiency cost hundreds of thousands each year, while increasing your risk and reduce your profits. The correct use of technology is reflected in increased savings and higher profits. Further savings, you can reduce costs by fewer employees or members of staff to do much more. With the aid of technology, your medical practice can even be more successful. Basically, a digital marketing software platform designed for healthcare providers will allow them to easily take advantage over their competitors.

Here are the potential savings from implementing an EMR:

  • Labor savings of $ 40,250 per year by a doctor: It costs $ 25,000 to $ 40,000 of work per doctor per year with an EMR, and remain on paper. The transition to an EMR solution in testimony before Congress in 1999 to $ 40,250 per year as a doctor. A simple solution to EMR will cost less than $ 10000, in the 1-2 days to make money from you directly.
  • The retention of savings in the amount of $ 32,500 per year: In general, the area for the storage of documents on paper, on average 500ft2. The average cost of in New York for $ 65 per square foot resulting in savings of $ 32,500 per year. EMR solution eliminates the costs.
  • Transcription savings of $ 36,000 per year by doctors: a model for a well-designed EMR can eliminate or reduce transmission costs.
  • There are many other costs such as errors, increased collections less time is required for access to information, the risk and loss of files.
  • A 3 office supplier’s annual savings after implementing an EMR = $ 261,250 in the first year and $ 1306250 after 5 years.


The biggest obstacle is that you have to jump if you’re already paying for the work inefficient. Make the investment and start saving up hundreds of thousands every year!

The best way is, a technology expert for local businesses to your office and a final examination. A technical expert, with many similar methods can be a tremendous value and insight into the practice of other applications, systems and failures. Just as you are on an accountant for your accounting needs, based on a technology consultant for all your technical requirements. The key is to find the right mix of skills in a technology consultant.

The best technology consultants have thorough knowledge about the needs of your company, the breath of the technology used in medical practice, is not associated with a solution or technology, based on your needs and are flexible and creative in their solutions. Above all, they need skills, the illusion that a few real experts in the field of technology, people!