Back Pain Treatment Options

Back pain can be caused by many things. In 9 out of 10 people this pain can be alleviated with proper treatment. For some people, pain can linger for long periods of time. If back pain persists, it will be necessary to seek medical attention.
For back pain treatment to be effective, the cause of it must be properly diagnosed. Pain ranges vary from dull and achy to burning and feeling as if on fire. The pain usually depends on the cause. Is it a strain? Could it be the result of an injury? Do you have osteoarthritis or some other form of bone disease or fracture? Is it perhaps a tumor of some sort? Many times, even though the pain may occur suddenly without any known reason, the underlying cause has been building up for some time. The source of the pain must be identified in order to treat it effectively.

Many options are available to treat back pain. It will be necessary to determine the cause and the severity of the pain. This will be determined by a specialist. Your doctor will decide the most effective treatment options for each individual.

While it may feel better to stay in bed and rest your back, it has been shown that resting your back does not get rid of back pain. Keeping to your normal routine as much as possible and adding proper exercise will help. The key is to start slow and not over do it. After allowing your body to get accustomed to the type of exercise, then you can begin to increase in length and speed. Taking short walks, learning some stretching exercises and swimming have all shown to be helpful.

At the onset of back pain it could be helpful to apply cold compresses to the area of pain. Doctors recommend this during the first 2 days of the beginning of pain. By applying the ice packs every five to ten minutes, it could bring down swelling and reduce the pain.

Consult your doctor for advice on the use of any drugs available for the treatment of back pain. These drugs are readily accessible but many have unwanted and even serious side effects. Use of Naproxen, Ketoprofen, aspirin, and ibuprofen (all in the family of NSAIDs) can help to relieve not only the pain, but also the swelling and inflammation. Treatment of chronic back pain can sometimes be treated with anticonvulsant or oral steroid medications. Depending on the extent of your injury, steroid injections could also be instrumental in reducing the pain if the cause was spinal stenosis, disc herniation, or degenerative disc disease. In this procedure, the steroid is injected by needle into the area of membrane that surrounds the nerve roots. Your doctor will determine what procedure or medication is right for you.

Other more natural treatments are also available. These include massage therapy, electrotherapy, spinal adjustments by a Chiropractor, and acupuncture. As a last resort if other treatments are not effective in reducing or eliminating pain, surgery may be warranted.
The orthopedic surgeons have years of experience so its best to heed their advice in such matters rather than take any rash decisions.