Fashions from Barbara Bui

Barbara Bui remains faithful to her rock and roll approach to clothing for the fall 2009 season. Leather, animal prints, black, white, metallics, and red-orange are the dominant fabrics and colors that are shown in this ready to wear collection for women. Artistic women do have to wear clothes like anyone else and this collection has a variety to choose from for those of us who like being in touch with our creative side. Below are my five picks from Bui’s fall 2009 collection:

Here is a very cool Bohemian style tunic top with a sunset and city skyline paired with orange-red leggings.(1) This ensemble says Greenwich Village all over it. The matching black necklace looks perfect with it but you can also add some colorful pop beads, too. Wear this while walking down Fifth Avenue this fall season.

Now there is something about this next black suit(2) that demands being seen on a stage just so it can be the center of a rock concert. Leather and lacing will get that sort of attention, though. You don’t have to be a biker, either, to wear this outfit. All you need is to have the right attitude, and maybe that street guitarist will offer you a position playing the drums in this suit.

More leather appears here in this simple sleeveless dress.(3) Wear a gold guitar charm around your neck for a really cool accessory Black boots look great with this dress too but if all you own are a pair of ankle high black boots, those will do the job, too. Wear this dress while hanging out with your musician friends.

I like this leopard print jacket(4) and it looks super with the black pants and the sunset skyline shirt. The one accessory that stands out here is the belt with the oval shaped white stone in the center buckle. This outfit is ideal for the woman who is the artistic type and doesn’t mind writing poetry, painting on canvas, or playing the guitar while wearing this outfit.

This multi-metallic tunic top and matching leggings(5) is unique. The combination of gold, copper, and bronze in the fabric looks like it’s been found during an archaeological dig in the Near East. It’s still meant to be worn today and not as a memory of several thousand years ago. The textured leggings resemble a lizard or snakeskin. Very cool for wearing in SoHo, New York City.

Barbara Bui(6) fashions can be purchased through her boutique and BOC in New York City. The average price for her fashions range between $500.00 and $900.00.

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