Shed Off Unwanted Pounds Through Yoga

It’s no secret that obesity is among the most prevalent health problems today. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the United States has experienced a significant increase in obesity during the past two decades. In 2008, Colorado was the only state with an obesity prevalence of less than 20%. With the increasingly busy lifestyles we are leading these days, most of us no longer have time to exercise on a regular basis or prepare nutritious meals for ourselves and our families. According to the CDC, American society is now “obesogenic”.

If physical appearances were all you had to sacrifice with being overweight, it probably wouldn’t be too bad. Unfortunately, it’s not that simple. Obesity can lead to numerous health problems, some of which can be serious and even fatal. According to the National Institutes of Health, obesity increases the risk for coronary heart disease, cancers (breast, colon, and endometrial), stroke, high blood pressure, Type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea, osteoarthritis, liver and gallbladder disease, respiratory problems, and gynecological problems (infertility, abnormal menstruation). But how can you avoid these health risks if you don’t even have time for a decent weekly workout?

The answer may lie in yoga. Based on ancient Hindu concepts and principles, yoga is an effective way to not only lose weight but also to improve one’s physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional wellbeing. One of the great things about using yoga to lose weight is that it can work for anyone regardless of gender, age, or current physical condition. Yoga also doesn’t require much time and it can be done practically anywhere, making it the perfect weight loss solution for someone who has a perpetually jam-packed schedule.

Unlike other regular workout routines, healthcareguys , yoga addresses the issue of excessive weight mainly through the mental and spiritual aspects. Through meditative breathing and mind control, yoga enables an individual to become more emotionally stable and reduces the need to binge on comfort food. The stretching exercises and various positions in yoga are also effective in strengthening the bones and muscles, as well as boosting the metabolism and improving the flow of oxygen throughout the body. All these help in breaking down excess fat cells and flushing them out of the body, ultimately resulting in weight loss.

If you have never done yoga or any other sort of meditation before, you may be skeptical as to its effectiveness in helping you lose weight. This is quite understandable; after all, how can simple breathing techniques melt off the extra pounds on your body? However, once you’ve tried yoga, you may end up pleasantly surprised at how it can help you lose excess weight in a way that isn’t stressful or time-consuming.

Yoga comes in different forms so it’s easy to choose the type that will work best for your body and your schedule. If weight loss is your objective, one of the best forms of yoga you can try is the Kundalini, which was made popular in the United States in the late 1960s. It involves a combination of breathing techniques, meditation, and moderate movement. You don’t have to stop doing yoga either even after you have dropped down to your ideal weight. You can continue with your chosen yoga program for the purpose of staying fit physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

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